Knowledge transfer partnerships: applied innovation on your doorstep

The Further Education sector in Northern Ireland has a dual purpose to support both social inclusion and economic growth.

The FE sector in Northern Ireland comprises six Colleges with 29 campuses that provide access to training and qualifications that help learners achieve their potential and improve their career and life prospects.

In doing so, the colleges also support employers to innovate, grow and build the regional economy by responding to industrial need through a skilled population.

The Colleges connect learners with businesses and are the largest provider of professional and technical qualifications in Northern Ireland.

There are three essential elements of a KTP

Transfer of technology from the knowledge base to the company

Provision of industry-based training and experience for graduates

Enhanced levels of research and teaching in the college

With a KTP, a high-calibre graduate is placed within your company or organisation, with support from academic staff at the knowledge base, to promote innovation for growth.

KTP helps your business:

Develop or improve technologies, products, processes or services

Streamline business processes and develop systems to increase efficiency and performance

Develop or improve technologies, products, processes or services

Find out more about how your local FE college can support your business through a KTP

